Do you love to sew? LYB could use your help!

Learn more about the Love Your Buns Chemo Bag program.

Since January of 2020, the Love Your Buns team has been providing cancer patients at local cancer centers and across the country with free chemo pump bags, which are used when patients need to receive a continuous infusion of chemotherapy outside of a cancer center, and for extended periods of time. More recently, the LYB team have made the bags available for free for any cancer patient actively undergoing treatment.

As demand increases, it is becoming clear that we need as many volunteers to help us produce these bags as we can get. Do you love to sew? LYB could use your help!

If you would like to help Love Your Buns make a difference in your community, you can start by letting us know on our volunteer signup form. If you would like to support our programs monetarily, you can donate to LYB on this website, or you can even setup your own Facebook fundraiser for Love Your Buns at

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