Colorectal/corona chic?


Colorectal/corona chic? Today I begin my third line of chemo treatments. All tumors have grown and many additional liver mets. Treatments will last as long as my body can tolerate.

After many months of no therapy and searching for viable trials, I'm back to where I started. I had such hopes for a treatment with less debilitating side effects, however I'm fortunate to still have options. I've had four years of staring into the face of death which has lead to everyday anxieties, fears, and hopelessness. Now the COVID-19 situation certainly isn't helping.

Every person now contributes to keeping this world safe, whether you want to believe it or not. Your precautionary actions today can save the lives of many others in the future. While we all are having to restrict our daily lives during this pandemic, let's be kind to one another and realize these inconveniences will pass. And we'll all be stronger for it.

Sara DCampComment